Kalyon Hotel İstanbul provides unforgettable service in organising your events..

With over 45 years of experience, Kalyon Hotel İstanbul provides unforgettable service in organising your events. Integrating the historical Istanbul Peninsula with the Marmara Sea, exhibiting the delightful journey of the incredible panorama opposite Harem – stretching from Selimiye coast to Moda Point, from Buyukada to Sivriada –  4 star Kalyon Hotel İstanbul brought its new project,REJİ, to life.


With an amazing location providing easy access, views of the Bosphorous and history itself, professional staff and quality service, over 45 years of experience, Kalyon moved onto a new track with REJİ.

Weddings, corporate events, parties, celebrations, concerts or other similar activities, REJİ, created with a modern and up-to-date technological design while retaining a touch of history, captures the unique visual atmosphere of this historical peninsula and is one of Istanbul’s secret gardens reminiscent of summer bliss.



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